World Class Faculty


With more than 170 distinguished international faculty from over 20 regions, offering broad industry experience and seasoned business insights, our NUS Business School faculty are committed to providing you with an enriching and stimulating business education.

WU Pei Chuan

PhD, University of Manchester

Pei Chuan is the Academic Director for the MSc in Human Capital Management and Analytics programme. Her research and teaching interests include talent attraction and retention; diversity and inclusion; design thinking and employee experiences; personality, mentoring and career success; work-family balance, and cultural intelligence and global mobility. She was awarded the NUS Business School Teaching Excellence Award in 2018 and 2020.


PhD, London Business School

Jay is the founding Academic Director for the MSc in Human Capital Management and Analytics programme. His interests include understanding the psychological effects of power and status on people, the role of technology in organisational behaviour, and the physiological mechanisms in management. He teaches in both undergraduate and graduate programmes, and was awarded the Outstanding Educator Award in 2007.


PhD, University of Washington, Seattle

Sam is Provost’s Chair Professor of Management, and he also serves as Head of the Management & Organisation department. Sam’s research focuses primarily on behavioral ethics, leadership, humor, and the future of work. He has published over 60 papers in premier management and psychology journals. His work has received multiple Best Paper Awards and has been featured extensively both locally within Asia (e.g., South China Morning Post, The Straits Times) and internationally (e.g., The Huffington Post, The Times, Harvard Business Review). Sam was named by Poets and Quants as one of the Best 40 under 40 Business Professors in the world in 2016. In 2022, he won three early career awards: the Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions from the Association for Psychological Science, the Distinguished Early Career Contributions Award (Science) from Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and the Early Career Achievement Award from the Academy of Management.


LL.M, Cambridge University


PhD, Stanford University


PhD, University of Houston

Sriram IYER

MBA, National University of Singapore

KIM Sooyeol

PhD, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

LIM Ghee Soon

PhD, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Vivien LIM

PhD, University of Pittsburgh

Michael MAI

PhD, University of Arizona

SONG Zhaoli

PhD, University of Minnesota

Ningxin WANG

PhD, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign